Impressions of the Questionable Borderlands Movie

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 29:08
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Originally recorded September 2024
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 29:08
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Originally recorded September 2024
The Borderlands movie was released to theaters on August 9th 2024 and then ended its box office run with the announcement that it would be available for streaming on August 30th 2024. When it was released the critic reviews were dismal with a 7% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an audience rating of less than 50%.
Despite these short comings the movie pulled in a $30.9 million worldwide with only $15.4 million of that in domestic sales. According to several sources the movie had a production budget of $115 million and a marketing budget of $30 million.
Early this month the duo decided to see just how bad the Borderlands movie really was and decided to stream it on Amazon Prime. Strangely enough, the launch streaming price was nearly $20 USD but was massively discounted on opening weekend.
However, the real question is. Was it any good??
What is Hammerlock DLC bad? Or annoying like the Borderlands 2 Pre-Sequel?? Or, was it completely misrepresented in their marketing and simply edited poorly??
Well, all of the above butm not as bad as you would think.
Some of the annoying humor found in the trailer was simply forgettable when watching the movie and while context and continuity was thrown out the window you could really enjoy the film if you took things lightly. In a way people have forgotten that movies are supposed to be fun, they can also be serious and don’t always have to be good.
Episode 162 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (