Foxconn Quantum Force Quantumian-1 X79 Motherboard Preview
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Monday, February 13, 2012
Board Layout and Features Cont.
The PCB is the standard size and yet only features six expansion slots with proper spacing for two-way SLI. Foxconn does include a three-way SLI bridge giving us the indication that the bottom red slot runs in a 16x/8x lane configuration.
Inside the box you'll find a variety of parts to help you get up and running. We would have expected to see a few more goodies with a high-end motherboard like this but instead we are given the bare minimum. The SATA cables come in two flavors, orange feature the metal clips and the red are without.
The larger quick installation guide is a fold out poster giving you a quick reference as to where everything is on the motherboard with the footnotes being available in multiple languages. The user's manual goes into more detail and is what you would expect.