NVidia GTX 660 Ti ReleasedNVidia has released a new mainstream gaming video card called the GTX 660 Ti. This is a midlevel gaming graphics card that really harnesses the power of the Kepler architecture and when combined with a good factory overclock can be faster than a stock HD7970.
In this segment Dennis talks about the new GTX 660 Ti and the benefits of SLI performance. He later goes on to speculates on gaming performance and If you should look at building an SLI rig or spend your money on a higher end option like the GTX 680
Related Links:MSI GTX 660Ti Power Edition OC Video Card ReviewGigabyte GTX 660Ti OC Video Card ReviewNVidia GTX 660Ti SLI Performance and OverclockingWhat Makes a Hardware Review SiteThere are many different types of hardware review sites that cover a wide range of products. Some are professional sites while others are of a hobbyist variety. Those sites can cover enthusiast topics, gaming news and overclocking topics. The key difference between them is the target audience and the kind of traffic they pull in.
In this segment Dennis and Darren discuss how they got started doing product reviews and what they did to get where they are today. Later in the segment Darren asks some hard hitting questions related to what makes a review site and how Ninjalane is different than some of the other sites you may find on the web.
They also talk about what makes hardware review sites different from the reviews you may read on Amazon or Newegg and why those user generated comments can often be more damaging than reading an impartial review from a professional.
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Archie & Fareoh - Feathers (Original Mix) (