Retro PC Adventure at RE-PC in Seattle

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 23:16
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Originally recorded April 2021
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 23:16
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Originally recorded April 2021
Last month Dennis took a quick trip to Seattle for a mini vacation. It has been almost a year since he (or anyone for that matter) had been allowed to casually travel and it was time. While most would travel to Seattle to take in the tourist attractions Dennis was on a mission to pick up some old computer hardware for a few website projects and heard Re-PC might be able to deliver.
In this episode the duo do a trip report talking about almost every aspect of the trek to Re-PC including an old fashioned “slide presentation”
Some of the trip photos are below however, if you want to see the full gallery check out the “Retro PC Adventure at RE-PC” Article.
Btw, below are the two motherboards that came back. The first is a Slot 1 based Baby AT motherboard build on a SIS chipset. The second is a Socket 7 based Baby AT motherboard that features an AGP port along with a few other modern features that were common during the AT to ATX transition.
Related Links
Retro PC Adventure at RE-PC in Seattle
Episode 123 Extra featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (