
Glorious Modular Mechanical Keyboard Review

Ever think a keyboard can be Glorious?  How about Glorious and Modular?? 

I'm like, how can a keyboard be modular?  sure, the keys can be considered modules that you press to get a pre-determined output but, those are keys, not modules.

The Glorious Modular Mechanical Keyboard, or GMMK, is something special. It was announced on Instagram and a few keyboard forums, which qualifies for quite possibly the most niche and underground announcement I’ve ever seen. After 10 months of development, the GMMK is released, again announced in forums, and available.

Well according to this little teaser the GMMK has been in development for a whole 10 months... weeee wink smile

and that is it.

I guess, check out the review?

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