Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 2400MHz 32GB White Memory Kit Review @ Madshrimps
"Back in the day" I used to poke fun on how Crucial, a Micron company with their headquarters building located less than 10 miles from my office, would send review samples halfway around the world but wouldn't allow me to drive by and pick up a sample for myself.

Well, I'm about to do that again with this review posted over at MadShrimps of the Ballistix Sport LT review.
The Crucial Ballistix Sport LT White 2400MHz memory kit is not the fastest out there, but the 32GB memory quantity should suffice for many high-end PC configurations, for running demanding games, multimedia content or even digital content production. Their unique white-PCB look fits right in when we need to build an all-white setup and the Micron chips also give a bit of overclocking headroom.
While a DDR4 2400Mhz kit isn't all that fast the real benefit is the color and intention that you could overclock the modules for some extra speed where it counts.
Oh and they are white for all you OCD peeps who need a perfect module for your Gigabyte Designare-EX builds.
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