Sound BlasterX Pro-Gaming G1 7.1 Portable USB Sound Card Review
Author: Darren McCainSound BlasterX Pro-Gaming G1 Layout and Features
Really the design of BlasterX Pro-Gaming G1 is pretty simple. The USB sound care is attached to a USB 2.0/3.0 plug via a two inch cable. The connector isn’t plated but the cable has a nice braided connector.

The sound card portion has a single 3.5mm plug designed for headphones or headphone/mic combo’s that use a 4-pole jack. This is an odd choice considering that many gaming headsets are designed with separate plugs for headphone and mic. In a way it forces users to purchase a compatible Creative Headset like the H5/H7 (which is a good option) or adapt their current headsets to match the 4-pole configuration
The quality of the construction is pretty solid, if basic with no rough edges or iffy seams. Tucking the BlasterX Pro-Gaming G1 into the pocket of your favorite device case or even the headphone bag is no problem.
Where the BlasterX Pro-Gaming G1 really differentiates from the competition is in the software. Creative refers to this package as the BlasterX Acoustic Engine Pro and puts every other USB sound card software I have used to shame. Gone are the simple EQ presets and simple 2.1 to 5.1 modes.
Hello full featured sound card configuration.

Installing the software does require an internet connection as is becoming the norm. Some 69 MB later and you are set. The software is easily identified by the red X logo in your system tray.
Card settings are divided across the six tabs shown here with the default menu accessible through the logo at the top left. Currently I only have the single product installed but it is nice to see Creative planning around a single interface for those of us with multiple products.
I will spare you the page by page as most users will simply install and choose from the preset profiles for configuration. There are game specific profiles for games like a Call of Duty Series profile alongside profiles like First Person Shooter Movies or Music. Sadly no Battlefield Series preset was available forcing me to choose the generic sound profile for FPS games.
For more information on the driver settings check out the gallery at the end of this review!