SilverStone ST1500-Ti Strider 80 Plus Titanium Power Supply Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Product Layout and Features
In terms of size the Strider Titanium is the same size as a Strider Gold Evolution which is a standard ATX PSU at 7 inches deep. Modern chassis design allows for longer PSU units like this so unless you are doing a retrofit you should have no issues with space.
SilverStone includes a magnetic fan filter that may be a little overkill for most modern case installations however, it can come in handy for a retrofit upgrade or simply used over another fan in your case. The filter material is an ultrafine mesh and while it looks to be transparent it does an excellent job at catching dust.
This is a fully modular power supply meaning that every single cable can be removed including the main 24pin ATX power line. SilverStone also sells custom cable kits for the Strider Series so they can be used in SFF cases and other systems that don't require excessively long power cables.
This PSU follows a strict voltage regulation of +/- 3% to curb any power spikes and the same +/- 3% ripple and noise control. Of course testing these can be difficult but basically this means the power is clean and will prevent any ground loops from causing issues with your components.
The Silverstone Strider Titanium is a single rail design with the 12v rail supporting a 125A circuit with a maximum RMS power output of 1500W. There is no advertised peak power output however, 1500w is plenty for even the largest of systems and if you are planning to draw more than that you will have already mapped this out for your particular build. For instance 4-way SLI on LN2 generally requires two 1200w or better power supplies to get the most from the GPUs.