SilverStone PP07E Braided Extension Cables Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Testing and Conclusion
Testing wires is rather straight forward. First of all they are extremely flexible and remind me of the wires that CableMod uses in their wire kits. There is no visible heat shrink and the braid appears to be bonded to insulator.
Each cable extension comes with four cable combs for keeping the wires neatly arranged. The combs also do an excellent job at keeping the cables bent into a certain shape. As the photos indicate you can create “S” curves and easy bends using the combs and when they are attached they are quite solid requiring considerable force to slide them around.
It also goes without saying that you will spend some time installing the combs and while they simply snap in place you do have to put forth some effort.
The cables are equal length meaning that if you bend them too much you will get excess cable overlapping each other. This is the nature of equal length wires and one of the nice things about routing cables behind stuff. You can simply hide the excess.
I did find the plugs to be ever so slightly oversized making them difficult to install. Eventually they would click in place but at the expense of really having to muscle them in. I personally don’t like applying so much force to my electronics but, with some careful wiggling they will eventually seat correctly and it only was an issue with the 24-Pin cable which is already difficult to install.

There are basically two ways to dress up the cables in your PC, If you have a modular PSU you can completely replace the cables which can often cost more than the PSU or you can simply dress up the end that everyone can see. The SilverStone PP07E cable extensions are inexpensive, flexible and do exactly what you would expect, they make your wires pretty.
Inexpensive Way to Dress Up your Wires
Cloth Braided
Extremely Flexible
Come with Cable Combs
Currently only two color options available
Stiff plugs require some muscle