ModMyMods ModPaste Thermal Compound Review
Author: Dennis GarciaConclusion
Our testing method is what I could consider “real world”. We are using real hardware in a typical setting and while the test system was in an open bench the variables were monitored. To remove influence from the cooler the two 140mm fans on the Alphacool radiator were pushed to 100% and Prime95 was run using Small FFTs until three loops had completed. Ambient temp was also monitored to ensure that the intake air remained the same throughout the tests.
For the record
Ambient Air Temp: 18c
Intel 10900k clocked at 5.0Ghz @ 1.3v Core
The ModMyMods MP-9 ModPaste is a very fluid thermal compound. It comes out very thin and spreads extremely well. During my testing I never noticed the paste to become hard or difficult to remove which would indicate that there is no expected cure time required unlike with the Artic Silver Ceramique 2. Once my testing was complete the thermal compound was easily cleaned up with tissue paper leaving a completely clean surface.
Given that the ModPaste is an oil based thermal compound I can easily see how it will remain fluid throughout its lifespan similar to many of the Artic Silver offerings and yet, will not require isopropyl alcohol to clean it up.
Some final thoughts around the MP-9 ModPaste. This compound isn’t designed for subzero cooling but some seem well suited for standard air and watercooling setups. It also appears well suited for many electronic situations such as mosfet cooling given the good performance and low electrical conductivity. The overall packing and presentation is by far the best I have seen in the market and the unique precision provided by a 14GA blunt needle tip is a welcome accessory.
Easy to Install
Spreads Extremely well
Basically Non-Conductive
Oil Based Binder
Borosilicate Glass Syringe
14GA Blunt Needle Tip Applicator
Available in 2.5g
Not good for LN2
Pretty average when it comes to thermals
Only a single size available