InWin 303 Gaming Mid-Tower Case Review
Author: Dennis Garcia
Modding Options and Conclusion
Early in this review I called the InWin 303 a Hybrid between a desktop case and a modern PC tower. The reason for that comment is that in a modern tower most of the components are horizontal to the ground. For example the PSU usually has the fan facing up or down to minimize overall height. In the 303 the PSU is vertically mounted and once again at the top of the case. Presumably this is to accommodate the internal fan mount that is not only blocked by a PSU and associated cables but at a considerable distance from the outside edge of the case.
Internal cooling isn’t a bad thing but has been known to be rather inefficient even when not being partially blocked. The lack of accessories on the front panel is also a throwback to a desktop case and if you lay the case down it looks a little like a large HTPC with the ability to look down at the guts of the case.

The InWin 303 is a very interesting case with many opportunities for showing of some amazing builds thanks in part to the clean exterior and large tempered glass side panel. Inside the case you are given a TON of empty space and in place of the normal drive rack you are given the opportunity to install a total of four hard drives on the provided mounting plates with the provision of a fifth. These drives are mounted vertically on the motherboard tray allowing you more room for watercooling gear or simply the option to have a very clean layout.
Tempered Glass Side Panel
Clean Design
Clean Layout
Surface Mounted Storage Drives
Vertically Mounted Internal Cooling
PSU is Completely Hidden
Lack of cable routing options
Internal cooling partially blocked
No fans included