Hardware Asylum CES 2025 Coverage

I would like to thank Yeyian Gaming for helping sponsor Hardware Asylum during CES 2025.  The Consumer Electronics Show starts Jan 9th and runs through Jan 12th.

Yeyian Gaming offers an wide range of solutions for the PC gamer including pre-built PCs to fully customized gaming computers with an online configurator.  Their builds feature the latest in computer hardware including Intel Ultra, AMD Ryzen 9 and the latest in Nvidia RTX.  

Be sure to check them out at https://us.yeyiangaming.com and the Venetian Tower if you'll be attending CES 2025.


Intel Xe-HPG DG2 GPU Engineering Sample Pictured

For years Intel has been trying to break into the GPU market and while almost EVERY Intel CPU comes with a graphic processor they are not gaming ready video devices and designed mostly to compliment systems deployed into the enterprise space.

Well, it would seem that Intel has finally started making some headway into the GPU space should have something ready by the end of the year.  If the rumors are true this could be a super tastey video card and even if it cannot complete with the NVIDIA flagship it will have a profound impact on the lower end market segment.

The card features 512 Execution Units and will be the flagship model for Intel's upcoming Xe-HPG lineup reportedly targeting performance between the RTX 3070 and RTX 3080. The final product is rumored to feature a base clock of 2.2 GHz along with 16 GB GDDR6 memory and a 256-bit bus. The sample has a TDP of 275 W with 8 + 6 pin power connectors up from original targets of 225 W - 250 W. 

These specs make is seem like they are going after NVIDIA so I'll be sitting here watching to see what unfolds.  Be sure to check out TechPowerUp and the Moores Law is Dead channel for more information related to this story.

Never know it could be completely fake.

Related Web URL: https://www.techpowerup.com/280774/intel-xe-hpg-dg...