
NVIDIA P102-100 Cryptomining Card Surfaces

I seem to remember that ASUS had a dedicated Crypto card but was based on a GTX 1060.  Seems this card is different in that it is using a modded GP102 chip which normally powers the GTX 1080 Ti and Titan. 

Of course the card is then tweaked for mining and even has published Hashrates.  Will a dedicated, and faster, chip be enough to keep miners from buying up all of the retail cards?? 

The GP102-100 should sound familiar to most enthusiasts since it employs the same GP102 chip used in the mainstream GeForce GTX 1080 Ti and GTX Titan Xp graphics cards. Nevertheless, NVIDIA made a few modifications in order to maintain the hash rate while lowering the price at the same time.

I think this will curb the market a bit.  Miners will start buying the dedicated cards as they promise to deliver better performance.  Of course when GTX 2080 or GTX 1180 is released there will be another land rush to replace dedicated CryptoCards with faster GPUs and we will be back to square one.

Overall it will be interesting to see what ends up happening AND if people keep calling it a video card even though it has no video output.  I think at that point you can call it a daughter board. tongue smile

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