The Ultimate RGB Build: The Hardware @ ThinkComputers
I think deciding the "Ultimate" RGB Build is a little subjective but I'll go along with it for now.
So I’ve been using the same PC as my main gaming / video editing rig for what seems like forever. When I built it not much thought really went into it, it was just available parts that I had laying around. The system itself has a Core i7-3970X, ASRock X79 Extreme4-M motherboard, 16GB of DDR3, a GTX 580, which was updated to a GTX 1080 recently, and a few SSDs. All of this was inside the Thermaltake Supressor F31 case, not really much to look at when you walk into the office. To this day that PC still kicks ass and in most cases is more than sufficient, but now that we are doing a lot of 4K video editing I felt it was time for an upgrade. Also we wanted to build something that looked totally badass! That is when the idea for the Ultimate RGB Build was hatched. We’ve said 2017 is the year of RGB so why not build a system with all RGB components? So we’ve compiled a list of awesome components and are ready to get this build started! This is part 1 of the build where we will go over the hardware used and why we selected it.
4K video editing eh? I'm not gonna lie that does take more hardware that most people have available but when it comes down to it you don't see a slow down while editing so much as when you are rendering, and even that can be a fire and forget.
I guess the point is, RGB makes 4K video editing faster so why not add more RGB cause... that makes.. ugg
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