Specifications of Intel’s Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X i9 and i7 series leaked
This information has been making the rounds today after having been posted in the Anandtech forums last Friday. It would seem that Skylake-X and Kaby Lake-X processor specs have been "leaked" and instead of keeping with the familiar Core i7 name they changed it to.
Core i9
Now, if memory serves Intel swore up and down and even sent some "thumb breakers" to editors claiming that Core i9 was going to happen.
The Intel response was "Stop trying to make Core i9 happen, its not going to happen"
Well, the joke is on 'cause we got screenshots claiming otherwise. Here is the breakdown.

Oh, and a photo of a screen showing a powerpoint slide with all of the info.

I would say that this is rumor mill at best. In the photo we can see a rather messy "desktop", I mean who moves their icons away from the start shortcut (it’s not a button, at least anymore) and still retains credibility in their intelligence?. On top of that, who actually uses an ACER monitor(s) anymore?? Maybe some engineer in Taiwan but you'd think that one of the largest chipmakers in the world could spring for a decent panel.
Of course, the last and final clue is the Core i9 name. Let us assume that Intel is keeping with their tagline that Core i9 isn't going to happen so, why release it now? I can see where it might work with the top end chips given that it is 12 cores and comes with 44 PCI Express lanes but, everything else on that list currently has a Core i7 counterpart.
Then again, maybe this is how Intel will regain some of their consumer cash by saying Core i7 is "Consumer" while Core i9 is "Professional". If that was their play then Intel could jack up the price and effectively stop consumers from using anything based on the X299 chipset in the retail space.
I suspect we will find out more come Computex when the first X299 motherboards are released along with processor details.