Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED Review @ KitGuru
OMG, Don't look now but it is the Hyper 212 with an LED fan!
What is this world coming to when you can refresh a product by simply changing the fan and get review sites excited about it.

Very rarely in the world of PC tech does a product come along and win universal acclaim. The original Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO is one such product, having built up a legendary status over the past few years. It has won our KitGuru Reader Award for best CPU air cooler for the last two years running, and is generally considered the ‘go-to’ product for an air cooler on a budget. Now Cooler Master have tried to improve perfection with the new Hyper 212 LED.
KitGuru is all like, "ya it is the best air cooler ever and now has an LED fan". Little do they know (or maybe they do) that EU coolers have always come with crappy silent fans. I guess noise is a huge issue in Europe so, while the Hyper 212 is a great cooler it could be even better, provided you purchase it in the US, or anywhere else for that matter.
I often think about the future of enthusiast computer hardware and while things have started to "die down" in the States there are other parts of the world where "building your own PC" is actually something people do. Of course the real question is. What market do they model their builds after?
- The US style, loud and proud pack in everything and a bag of nuts
- The EU style, silent but deadly either blow your whole wad or skimp on everything and then remove half of it.
- reddit style, where you have to second guess all of your parts and then whine like a little girl with a skinned knee when your intel Core i3 won't fit the 990FX motherboard that someone suggested.
- PC PartPicker style, cheap of the cheap (actual cheap hardware, not inexpensive, there is a difference people) and only buy stuff that is on sale despite ordering from 12 different stores and getting robbed on shipping.
I guess the only way to find out is to have an Enthusiast PC world tour.
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