Zotac GTX 1060 AMP! Edition @ LanOC Reviews
Ok I am impressed, Like Ultra Impressed with a capitol LUI.
I have tried for YEARS to get anything out of Zotac for review and while I have swag, empty promises and Zotac buyers saying I need to review Zotac gear I get nuffin and here we have another US based hardware review site reviewing one of the low end Zotac 1060 AMP! edition cards.

Sure it is AMP! with the exclamation point (very important) but still.
Last week I spent the entire week covering AMD cards, so to mix things up today I want to revisit the GTX 1060. This time, however, I’m taking a look at the Zotac GTX 1060 AMP! Edition. I had a chance to check out how well the Founders Edition card and now today I can see how the 1060 performs with a little bit of an overclock and an aftermarket cooler. With all of that, this card also retails for less than the Founders Edition card. The GTX 1060 AMP! Edition isn’t the smallest GTX 1060 out on the market, but it is noticeably smaller than the Founders Edition, if it performs well I might just see if it fits in our most recent Lunchbox build as well
To my credit I don't hound on mfgs as much as I should and the few times I have asked I get a "na man, we got nuff for you" so I simply stopped asking.
Of course my bitchin' aside, check out the review and see if this card might replace that GT210 you have in your current rig.
Related Web URL: http://lanoc.org/review/video-cards/7322-zotac-gtx...