MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Gaming Z 8G Review @ HiTech Legion
You can always tell the sites that never upgrade. Sure they may get the latest GTX 1080's and get to rub elbows with folks down in Texas but when letters get cut off on your email distro something needs to change.
Why do I mention this? I have no idea. Instead here is a MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Gaming Z review for you to check out. I think the Z stands for "fast moving Zombie" or could be better than X because reasons. You'll have to check out the site to know for sure.

MSI has a winner with the GeForce GTX 1080 Gaming Z 8G video card. I had a great out of the box experience and even a better time hitting 2100 MHz with an overclock.
OMG 2100Mhz! that is like some kind of record. A salty one with extra find me in the corner crying with a skinned knee and shit.
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