Gainward GTX 1060 Phoenix GS Review @ Vortez
Back in the day Gainward was the video card to have. If you couldnt get Gainward then you went for BFG and any other sub-vendor you could find. Sadly, after the purchase the Gainward brand kinda went, Meh and stayed overseas in the Euro region.

In the spotlight today is the GTX 1060 Phoenix GS. Gainward’s Golden Sample cards have been the mainstay through many generations and are representative of the brands best offering. The graphics card we’ll be looking at today features a custom design with a dual-cooling fan configuration, as well as a factory overclock taking the GPU to just 7.5% over the reference settings. Will a tame overclock to the GPU and a reluctance of any memory overclock still deliver good results? Let’s find out!
Golden Sample cards were the premier brand and really the only card you wanted due in part to the factory overclock and higher bin chance for even more overclocking performance.
Man I miss those days.
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