
My Entry into the Gigabyte Mod2Win 30th Anniversary Case Modding Contest

Last week I posted a press release announcing the Gigabyte 30th anniversary modding contest and was very impressed with what Gigabyte had planned.  Of course the grand prize is the most appealing for whoever wins but I'm also impressed with the commitment Gigabyte has put forth to gather interest.

Much like with the Overclocking competitions hosted at HWBot there are a few partner sites involved including Modders-Inc and PCPartPicker (I'm still trying to figure out why?) and they will be handling certain aspects of the competition and making sure everyone does what they should.

To help get things started Gigabyte is offering a build package for those who submit modding concepts and I finished mine last week.

The mod is using the Cooler Master Mastercase 5 (because I had one already) and will feature Automotive paint, Custom radiator mounting, Hardline watercooling and an Overclocking component.

At the top of the case you will find an exposed copper plate that will act as a connection to super chill the coolant.  This can be something simple like a TEC and aircooler or something more dramatic like an LN2 container or Phase head.  The idea will be to supercool the fluid and allow more overclocking headroom and when the chill is gone it will revert back to the built in radiator.

Given my background in overclocking, watercooling and casemodding I think this is a perfect meld of everything. 

Be sure to check out my build thread over at Modders-Inc and watch the Hardware Asylum Facebook Fan page for more information.

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