GIGABYTE GA-990X Gaming SLI Review @ Vortez
It is interesting how reviewers get hung up on certain features that are hot in the news. For instance Computex was full of RGB lighting effects and like LED fans back in the old days the fad is making the rounds on everything from fans to motherboards and video cards.
But wouldn't you know it, when a motherboard doesn't have RGB lights it seems to be a cause for concern.

Although missing out on the RGB goodness that has been unveiled by GIGABYTE recently, the latest line of G1 Gaming motherboards for the AM3+ platform introduces various new standards to the ageing chipset including an M2 slot with a 20Gb/s transfer rate, as well as 2x USB 3.1 ports.
The Gigabyte 990FX and 970FX AMD motherboard refresh is not about fancy lights and overclocking but rather giving these boards a much needed upgrade and a good reason to buy AMD processors despite the drawbacks of the platform.
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