Case Mod Friday: My 1995 IBM Aptiva @ ThinkComputers
I normally don't repost these sorts of things but this 1995 IBM Aptiva mod is really quite cool. The modder took a soon to be recycled IBM Aptiva and decided to give it some new life while keeping the exterior completely stock down to a fully operational DVD drive and 3.5" floppy.
Welcome to another Case Mod Friday showcase! This week we have gilmour509's “1995 IBM Aptiva” build. Here is what he had to say about it, "I wanted to share my build, as it's really been a labor of love for the past month. I trash picked it from a local computer store in December, and it's come a long way since then. It started life in 21 years ago 1995 with a 486dx2 running at a mind blistering 66mhz, with a massive 4mb ram, and 1mb video memory. The 3.5 floppy disk could hold a maximum data capacity of 1.44MB. As of a few days ago, it now has a an Intel i7 6700k running at 4.3ghz, 16GB's of 3000mhz ddr4 ram, and 8GB's video memory. The 3.5 floppy drive can read up to 512GB of data from a single diskette. This was not a plug & play build. Massive amounts of cutting, fabrication, welding, grinding, a filing were required. It was awesome
The 3.5" floppy drive mod got some massive exposure after being posted on Reddit and then reposted on some mainstream media sites. It is worth checking out, assuming you remember what a 3.5" floppy disk actually is.
Be sure to check out the modders project in imgur.
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