Waterford Institute's Mobile Apps Downloaded More Than 110,000 Times
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 11, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Waterford Institute's mobile apps reached a milestone last week by surpassing 110,000 downloads, indicating growing usage, acceptance and success of early learning on mobile devices in the classroom.
The institute's mobile apps are comprised of MyBackpack and Waterford Early Learning (WEL). According to iTunes Connect, more than 65,000 downloads of MyBackpack and more than 40,000 downloads of WEL occurred from the App Store since their respective releases. MyBackpack was released in November 2014, and the WEL app was released in July 2015.
"We're glad to see our mobile apps are meeting the needs of parents, teachers and school district leaders who want research-proven curriculum optimized for mobile and touch," said Mikkel Storm, vice president of product and marketing, Waterford Institute. "These apps are backed by decades of research, and the results bring us closer to achieving our mission to provide every child with the finest education through high-quality education models and technology."
About Waterford
Waterford Institute is a nonprofit research center that creates personalized cloud-based instruction through award-winning curriculum, content and assessment for children aged pre-K to 2nd grade. As a nonprofit, Waterford is uniquely focused on providing accessibility, equity and excellence for young learners and to position them for a lifetime of learning and success. In 2016, Waterford will celebrate 40 years since its founding. For more information, visit www.waterford.org or call 801-349-2200.
CONTACT: Ansel Oliver SnappConner PR ansel@snappconner.com (801) 806-0170
Related Web URL: http://globenewswire.com/news-release/2016/01/11/8...