
Samsung SSD’s will survive

Some time ago the Tech Report did a SSD endurance test by continually writing and clearing data to the drives.  The intent was to cause the drive to fail and record the time it took.  If I remember correctly this started around the time everyone was discussing NAND chip degradation and speculating how long a chip would last.  Nobody really knew the answer and while the chip makers would supply a range nobody knew how accurate it was or if that translated into anything bad.

In case you are unfamiliar SSDs have a lifespan and will eventually no longer be able to store data.  TR set out to test this and the winner of the endurance test was a Samsung SSD.

As you can imagine Samsung wanted to take advantage of this marketing opportunity and created.  *shudder*  These two videos.

Check out this Interview on the incredible endurance of Samsung SSDs.

Samsung SSD’s will survive… and more! An uplifting song about Samsung SSD endurance.

Honestly the music video is a little scary but the talk show interaction was kinda fun to watch. On a side note, I wonder how many times they said "Samsung SSD"? happy smile