
How to remove the Windows 10 GWX.exe Icon

This might be the best bit of googling I have ever done.

Now don't get me wrong Windows 10 is pretty darn cool and supports DX12 along with some other things.  Thing is while I have Windows 10 on the Hardware Asylum Podcast machine I'm happy with Windows 7 on my main machine and have no intention of upgrading.

Of course now, how do I get rid of that pesky annoyance icon?

The basic steps are to

  1. Kill the GWX.exe process
  2. Take ownership of the GWX folder
  3. Give yourself full permissions
  4. Rename the folder and .exe files (I used .old for the folder and .bak for the executables)
  5. Use Regedit to remove the tasks so they won't start.
  6. Do Not uninstall the update as that is the trigger to reinstall it.

Now, we will have a tutorial explaining how you can disable this diarrhea, and get back control over your system. Then we will go into a few more reasons why Windows 10 has just become an undesired piece of software. Thank you, Microsoft, that's a delectable move on your end. To business, then.

The article is filled with Microsoft hate and a middle finger at the end but, so far the process has worked and that little icon is gone. 

Now back to the reviews.

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