How to remove the Windows 10 GWX.exe Icon
This might be the best bit of googling I have ever done.
Now don't get me wrong Windows 10 is pretty darn cool and supports DX12 along with some other things. Thing is while I have Windows 10 on the Hardware Asylum Podcast machine I'm happy with Windows 7 on my main machine and have no intention of upgrading.
Of course now, how do I get rid of that pesky annoyance icon?
The basic steps are to
- Kill the GWX.exe process
- Take ownership of the GWX folder
- Give yourself full permissions
- Rename the folder and .exe files (I used .old for the folder and .bak for the executables)
- Use Regedit to remove the tasks so they won't start.
- Do Not uninstall the update as that is the trigger to reinstall it.
Now, we will have a tutorial explaining how you can disable this diarrhea, and get back control over your system. Then we will go into a few more reasons why Windows 10 has just become an undesired piece of software. Thank you, Microsoft, that's a delectable move on your end. To business, then.
The article is filled with Microsoft hate and a middle finger at the end but, so far the process has worked and that little icon is gone.
Now back to the reviews.
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