
Where is the YouTube for Podcasts? - Good Question

This is a pretty good editorial about how difficult it is to get people to find a podcast and some of the trouble associated with it and she pretty much hits every issue including the free for all YouTube that allows people to make money without spending "anything" to the audio equivalent Soundcloud which does a horrible job and promoting and charges you for the inconvenience.

I’m not about to argue that a direct translation of YouTube is the solution to the podcast platform problem. There are a lot of problems with YouTube’s model. But a comparison between audio and video platforms is useful in highlighting how far podcast platforms are behind other digital mediums.

The obvious is the attention span of 90% of internet users.  Websites need to grab the attention of a visitor in 3 seconds or less and YouTube caters to a generation who grew up in front of a television.  It is unfortunate but Internet users are reluctant to learn anymore and unless their answer is in the top 5 results on google you might as well not exist.

I do hope the Podcast situation improves.  iTunes is the defacto standard which was created 10+ years ago and hasn't changed much over the years.  There is lots Apple could do to improve the situation and sadly any 3rd party uses iTunes as a basis for their solution.  The future doesn't look good for Podcasting but I am hopeful that something will come around.

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