
Computex 2015 EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Ti Classified Kingpin Edition

This isn’t so much a daily write up but rather a super excited, “I have to get this posted” sort of thing.

As expected with the launch of the GTX 980 Ti EVGA has been refreshing their video card line to accommodate the new chip.  The niche flagship is this the GTX 980 Ti Classified KPE (Kingpin Edition).  The card features the same VRM found on the 980 Classified with a special bin for LN2 overclocking and a few “warming” features to ensure the best performance when the card is running on Liquid Nitrogen.

The card features a redesigned ACX based heatsink with copper plating over the entire heatsink and then covered with an ornate plastic shroud.  Under the heatsink you’ll find a chrome plated heatspreader which is then further reinforced with an EVGA blackplate.

For those of you planning to run this card on air you will of course get exceptional performance but keep in mind that the “special bin” means the ASIC for the GPU is quite poor and will limit above ambient overclocking which is good since when the chip gets colder it should scale quite well.