Hardware Asylum CES 2025 Coverage

I would like to thank Yeyian Gaming for helping sponsor Hardware Asylum during CES 2025.  The Consumer Electronics Show starts Jan 9th and runs through Jan 12th.

Yeyian Gaming offers an wide range of solutions for the PC gamer including pre-built PCs to fully customized gaming computers with an online configurator.  Their builds feature the latest in computer hardware including Intel Ultra, AMD Ryzen 9 and the latest in Nvidia RTX.  

Be sure to check them out at https://us.yeyiangaming.com and the Venetian Tower if you'll be attending CES 2025.


Phj34r my L4k of n3wz

Hey everyone, It would seem that I have let the news page slide quite a bit over the past several months and I have to apologize. 

As you can imagine the "job" of posting "news" aka posting content on this page is not an easy one.  Normally I just glean the news@ inbox for review stories and for many years that has worked out great.  Mostly because I spend some time writing about the review, both good and bad.  The problem is the Google gods don't count news postings as content anymore and have refused to index those pages or posts.  Likewise many site owners have taken the Google decision and stopped posting links to reviews making the whole "Review Site Ring" model no longer work.

Of course, there are still some hard asses out there that say "post my stuff and I'll post yours".  Seems like a Good Guy Greg approach to sharing traffic but, you know, that never worked with the girls in high school and it has never worked with review sites either. 

I have learned a few things over the past 15 years of running a content based website.

  • Never trust other site owners, instead appreciate that they are willing to help, value their opinions and never demand anything from them.
  • Even though the Google Gods love to bully websites they do so because there is always someone out there looking to exploit the system.  We have them to thank for making news postings invalid.
  • I'm pretty sure that even if I paid someone to post news on this website (and I have) it would still never get done on a regular basis.  Either the post frequency falls off or the quality goes to shit.
  • Content is King, unless it comes to posting news on a website that is generated by a third party with a link at the end saying "read more".   (oh wait isn't that what everyone does?)
  • Phj34r my lack of n3wz.  Gonna start working on that again.  For those of you loyal readers who have bothered to read this.  I thank you for sticking around.
  • This is post 6565 in my news database, that might not be enough given the history of my site.

Sorry for the rant and apparent lack of news stories for you to read.  When I designed Hardware Asylum I decided to put more emphasis on Articles and Reviews and less on News.  Reason being, nobody reads this stuff and try as I might there was only one time in the history of Ninjalane/Hardware Asylum where news actually became a factor in site traffic.

I would like to get back to that time. Strangely enough it was a time when I didn't post anything and let someone else run the page.