Hardware Asylum CES 2025 Coverage

I would like to thank Yeyian Gaming for helping sponsor Hardware Asylum during CES 2025.  The Consumer Electronics Show starts Jan 9th and runs through Jan 12th.

Yeyian Gaming offers an wide range of solutions for the PC gamer including pre-built PCs to fully customized gaming computers with an online configurator.  Their builds feature the latest in computer hardware including Intel Ultra, AMD Ryzen 9 and the latest in Nvidia RTX.  

Be sure to check them out at https://us.yeyiangaming.com and the Venetian Tower if you'll be attending CES 2025.


Gigabyte to ship over 5 million motherboards in 1Q

This is good news for Gigabyte and bad news for all the haters of Gigabyte motherboards.  Soon the markets will be filled with excess Gigabyte gear and you will have no choice but to buy an Ultra Durable or generic "blue board"

Gigabyte Technology is expected to ship over five million motherboards in the first quarter of 2014, having a chance to surpass Asustek Computer, which is expected to ship about five million units, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.

Gigabyte shipped over 20 million motherboards in 2013 mainly thanks to strong demand in China, which accounted for about 40% of the shipments, the sources said.

However, since the high-end motherboard sector is currently being dominated by Asustek, Gigabyte will need to strengthen its competitiveness in the sector in order to improve its profitability, the sources noted.

Another thing to note is that less than 30% of those motherboards will actually make it to the US market.  #sadpanda

Related Web URL: www.digitimes.com/news/a20140210PD216.html