Hardware Asylum CES 2025 Coverage
I would like to thank Yeyian Gaming for helping sponsor Hardware Asylum during CES 2025. The Consumer Electronics Show starts Jan 9th and runs through Jan 12th.
Yeyian Gaming offers an wide range of solutions for the PC gamer including pre-built PCs to fully customized gaming computers with an online configurator. Their builds feature the latest in computer hardware including Intel Ultra, AMD Ryzen 9 and the latest in Nvidia RTX.
Be sure to check them out at https://us.yeyiangaming.com and the Venetian Tower if you'll be attending CES 2025.
Kingston DataTraveler Locker+ G3 16GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive (DTLPG3) @ Custom PC Review
Portable media has a fatal flaw, It can be intercepted by anyone and sometimes those people are not the intended target. To combat this you need to take steps to ensure your data is safe, especially when it isn't in your possession.
Unfortunately, one thing we seem to overlook is data security. While flash drives have become quite convenient for taking lots of sensitive data on the go, it’s also extremely easy to lose, which is bad news for those who sometimes tend to be forgetful. This is why today we’ll be reviewing the Kingston DataTraveler Locker+ G3 16GB. As you may expect...
I really like this device, it gives you an encrypted partition on the flash drive and can only be accessed using the included software and entering the proper password.
Related Web URL: http://www.custompcreview.com/reviews/kingston-dat...