BitFenix Shogun Chassis Review
Shogun is the master.
Sorry, couldn't resist. Extra points if you know what movie that is from and even more points if you have ever watched it.
We review one of the better looking chassis I have seen in a while, the new BitFenix Shogun, a product series that is designed for the enthusiast crowd, loaded with features and really nice looks. Yes, with nice aesthetics and yes, it has been fitted with tempered glass. And that does make this chassis look very special. Wanna have a peek?
Personally I'm like, uhh meh for the Shogun. It is def not the master of all computer cases. Granted, that's a worst-case scenario. The meh might in fact be very localised and limited to merely our own galaxy.
Oh snap, another movie quote!, this time one about things being bad!
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