Sick of hearing about RGB, here’s an article about RGB @ LanOC Reviews
This is a topic that Darren and I talked about on the Hardware Asylum Podcast. At the time I felt the whole RGB thing was just a fad kinda like LED fans were back in the day. It would seem that since then things have EXPLODED in terms of RGB LED support and it can be seen just about everywhere.
LanOC is having a fireside chat about RGB and claims "it is good for the company"

After spending the past few weeks sorting through all of the CES coverage, launches, and all of the comments and backlash on social media and websites like Reddit I wanted to sit down and talk a little about something that has been bothering me. Over the past year, but especially at CES, just about every product introduced now has RGB lighting. When seeing my friends in the tech press talk about it, you can almost see/read the frustration with it all and there are comments all over with people hating on RGB. I want to go on record and say that RGB is great for the industry and its one of those products that everyone is going to hate on but they will most likely be upset next year if someone brings out a product without it.
Personally I'm all for RGB lights as I think they help deliver some personalization that is much needed in the PC industry. The problem is that EVERYONE is on the RGB train and it gets a little overwhelming when really it should be an exciting discovery.
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