Team Group T-Force Night Hawk 3000 MHz DDR4 @ techPowerUp
If there ever was a memory module design specifically for ASUS ROG motherboards I think the T-Force from Team Group fits that mold to a T. (see what I did there?)

Team Group sent us their newly released T-Force Night Hawk 3000 MHz DDR4, which comes with a new look, and other features not common to today's DDR4. T-Force is Team Group's latest focus on bringing something a little bit different for any memory-related gear, including memory and SSDs.
The top of the module comes with RGB LED lighting effects and has a style that jsut screams Silverstone Raven, ASUS "whatever" and maybe MSI if you somehow morph a dragon into a flying bird shape.
Either way they look amazing and at 3000Mhz they should also deliver some amazing gaming performance.
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