
Crucial MX300 2TB SSD Review

Two Terabytes, say it with me.  Two Terrabites, oh wait. tara byte(s), dyno bytes? 

Nevermind,  2TB is a big deal in the SSD world and while more storage is better for remembering data it also makes doing backups even more difficult.  Not a bad thing when the drive is super fast so why not enter the SSD world with the help of Crucial.

the t0o t3rr@by+e world of oysters and non-index(able) news according to google.

Crucial recently released new versions of the MX300 SSD series, among them a huge 2 Terabyte model which we will review. The MX300 series should offer a bit more storage space yet remain more price-competitive at mainstream to high-end class SATA3 performance.

I reviewed the Crucial MX300 750GB last month and have to say it is a solid drive, plenty fast and one of the least expensive drives you can buy with that kind of capacity.  We can thank technology for the cost savings.

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