MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8G Video Card Review @ [H]
Darren used this video card as a replacement for the Gigabyte GTX 970 he was running in the Core V51 modding project. He was super lucky to find one at Microcenter a couple weeks after the GTX 1070 launched and even at a good price.
We also promptly removed the heatsink so it could be watercooled but, that is beside the point.

We have MSI’s new GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X 8G video card to evaluate today. We will push this GPU as high as we can, and see how the overclock compares to the default factory overclock, and a Founders Edition NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. This video card is a fully custom retail video card with the Twin Frozr VI cooling system.
One thing I really like about MSI video cards is their dedication to building an extremely solid PCB with a custom VRM and matching it with a very effective cooling solution. Some of the lightning cards went off the deep end as far as cooler design but the Gaming and Gaming X cards are spot on.
And quite fast too.
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