Overclocking Community Gets Nostalgic @ Intel
This was posted a couple months ago and is taking about the neostalgia behind overclocking old school hardware. Honestly this was how the Ninjalane HWBot team as born and you would be suprised at how many points you can get benching old hardware.
These days HWBot has walked away from point based compeitions in favor of an eSports model but, you can still submit scores for the fun of it.

In the world of computer modding, overclocking is the dark art of custom tuning computer parts to achieve a performance boost. The unbridled passion for tinkering with chips and specs is spreading across generations, pulling this dark art out of the shadows.
“Overclocking has evolved into a sport,” said Dan Ragland, an engineer at Intel. “It has really taken off in the last 5 years.”
Overclocking has become a phenomenon as more people custom-tune the stock performance of their computer hardware. Traditionally this has been done by entering the computer’s basic input/output system (BIOS) to adjust the stock clock speeds as well as the voltage going to the components. A number of settings can be tweaked, including the speed of the processor, graphics card and memory.
An overclocked computer can lead to better gaming performance or bragging rights for breaking benchmark records.
A fun read if you have some time.
Related Web URL: https://iq.intel.com/overclocking-community-gets-n...