Seagate Ships World’s First 8 Terabyte Hard Drive @ HotHardware
I remember back in the late 90's discussing the idea of a terabyte of storage capacity with near reverence. Like winning the lottery, that amount was nearly unfathomable to comprehend. Fast forward twenty years, and here we are with 1 TB flash drives on our keychains, like fashion accessories. What modern wonders do we dream of today, that in the next twenty years we'll see as commonplace I wonder. One thing you wont have to wait that long for though... commercially available 8TB 3.5" drives, courtesy of Seagate.
"As our world becomes more mobile, the number of devices we use to create and consume data is driving an explosive growth in unstructured data. This places increased pressure on cloud builders to look for innovative ways to build cost-effective, high capacity storage for both private and cloud-based data centers," said Seagate vice president of marketing Scott Horn.
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