Silverstone Raven 2 Casemod
Author: Dennis GarciaThe Silverstone Raven 2
My plans for this case are rather straight forward and would involve painting a few select sections of the case to create a nice contrast between the black panels and new painted parts. The first step will be to tear the case down and separate the parts I need to paint from the rest of the chassis.
The Raven 2 is actually a really nice case and was designed in response to some issues Silverstone had with the original raven chassis. Due to the motherboard orientation the side window is located on the opposite side of the case so that the cables and exhaust can exit out the top. To remove the side panels you must first pop the top cover and remove the thumb screws.
The plastic parts and 120mm fan were easy to remove however the three 180mm fans located at the bottom proved to be a little more complex. The fan pods are comprised of 3 major sections. The topmost section includes the fan assembly and fan grill. Under the fan is a removable fan filter and all of that sits on a raised air chamber. The air chamber looked to be just snapped in place but would not come out without a little coaxing.

To make things easier to paint I decided to break the case down and remove the drive cage. This required removing the top panel and separating the drive cage from the rest of the chassis.
My plan was to mimic what I had done in my previous mods and paint the inside of the case leaving the drive cages and outer panels the factory color. With other cases this was easy since the cases featured a drive cage that was separate from the motherboard tray. However, on the Raven 2 you will notice that the motherboard tray extends the entire length of the chassis meaning that it will need to be masked it off.
I also decided to do a little masking on the I/O panel which should look really good when I’m done.