Sapphire Office Visit - X79 Revealed
Author: Dennis Garcia
Published: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
While I was in Taiwan attending the Computex show I made arraignments to stop by the Sapphire offices with the intent of checking out their new line of motherboards. The Sapphire offices are located towards the outskirts of Taipei City in a random unmarked office building. (There is a big Ferris wheel nearby if that helps narrow it down) As with most office buildings in Taiwan you will find a guard station in the lobby to help direct people and protect elevator system. Had I not been escorted up to the Sapphire offices I may not have made it in, or worse, gotten arrested for snooping around. That last part likely wouldn't have happened but you never know what may happen in a strange land.

New Sapphire Motherboards
There weren't a whole lot of different motherboards to see during my visit but I did get to check out the new Pure Platinum Z68, the Pure Black 990FX and the Pure Black X79. By the looks of it all of the designs are complete and ready to go, minus a few heatsinks.