Upcoming Game Titles and X99 Refresh

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 37:43
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Originally recorded May 2016
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 37:43
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Originally recorded May 2016
Borderlands 3
At PAX East Gearbox, the developers of the Borderlands series, announced that after all of the DLC is finished for Battleborn they will be working on Borderlands 3. Of course Gearbox said that the game may not be called Borderlands 3 but it will be the third installment to the series. (or fourth if you count the pre-sequel as being a standalone game over an expensive DLC.
Can’t wait
Doom Beta Experience
By the time this podcast is released the full Doom game will have been released with enough time that many hardcore players may have even finished the single player campaign. In this segment the duo talks about the Doom Beta Multiplayer and what they liked and disliked about the experience. There was also some demo videos showing parts of the Single Player campaign and the duo compares it to what they experienced when playing Doom 3
Despite how bad the Beta was this is the must have game for 2016.
Battlefield 1 – WW1
As we know Darren loves his Battlefield series and is super excited about the announcement that Battelfield is going back to WW1 (World War 1) complete with trench warfare, horses and a slower pace when compared to the current generation titles like BF4.
Will it be a good game? It is difficult to tell at this point but given how excited Darren is and the announcement that the “good” developer will be working on it the indicators are all pointed at YES.
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Admiral Bahroo Return to Borderlands
Battlefield 1
X99 Refresh for Broadwell-E
With the upcoming launch of Broadwell-E many of the motherboard makers are taking the opportunity to refresh their current X99 product offerings to not only support the new processor platform but also to add some features that were not available during the initial X99 rollout. Some of these upgrades are performance based like adding a USB 3.1 or Killer Networks controller while others might be marketable such as RGB lighting effects and board dressings to hide the PCB.
Dennis calls this “the godlike effect” in favor of the MSI X99 Godlike that started the trend. While the processor has yet to be released there are rumors that you will be getting more cores and an average 22% performance increase over Haswell-E making the launch more than just an opportunity to upgrade your motherboard.
Related Links
EVGA X99 FTW K Edition Review
Episode 64 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (http://www.littlepeoplemusic.com/)