Fallout 4 DLC Discussion and How to Bend Hardline

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 42.41
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Originally recorded April 2016
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 42.41
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Originally recorded April 2016
Fallout 4 DLC Price Hike
A growing trend in video games is the “buy now and later buy all the DLC”. Game developers got wise to this and started offering all of the DLC as a Season Pass package giving you an incentive to overpay for the game and pay more for the rest of the game when it’s released. Funny thing is the Season Pass prices are generally the individual DLC prices all added up so it makes you wonder why anyone would bother.
Well, we now have a reason. Earlier this year Techland, the developers for Dying Light was set to release their DLC expansion for the game and made the bold decision to raise the price of the Season Pass to cover the new game content claiming it was bigger than they had expected.
Turns out Bethesda has taken a page from Techland and is doing the same for their upcoming DLC packages that haven’t even been released. In this first segment Darren talks about the new DLC coming out for Fallout 4 and gives you his impressions on if the DLC price increase is worth it.
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Fallout 4
Bending Hardline Tubing
Dennis has been busy buying some new tools and posting quite a few teasers on the Hardware Asylum Facebook fan page. But, for why? Turns out he is in the middle of a huge watercooling project including a few hardware reviews and supporting articles all about enthusiast level watercooling.
Watercooling isn’t a new project for him, In fact he has done just about everything from standard loops to custom block designs and chilled water so why is this project different?
Hardline or rigid tubing is the latest thing in enthusiast watecooling designed to make your cooling loops look better. There is virtually no cooling benefit over the standard flexible lines but is a little more durable and seems to be the only way to get real cred in the modding world.
Bending hardline does take a few special tools including a heatgun to soften the plastic, a silicon rod to keep the plastic from collapsing and a mandrel to help you make perfectly shaped bends in the location you want. It is possible to bend the tubes without them but you risk the chance that your bends many not be uniform or out of place.
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Episode 63 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (http://www.littlepeoplemusic.com/)