Custom Painting a Core V51 and Impressions of Battlefront

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 30:01
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Originally recorded December 2015
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren McCain
Time: 30:01
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Originally recorded December 2015
Custom Painting the Thermaltake Core V51
The Core V51 is a case that Dennis reviewed a couple years ago and he held on to because it would be a good case for modifications. Given that Darren has been gathering up parts for a new computer it seemed fitting that his gear get a custom home and the V51 was perfect.
In this segment Dennis goes over the entire process from breaking the case down, applying the automotive paint and reassembling the case. Start to finish the job took about three days which is only the beginning for this build.
Relative Links
Thermaltake Core V51 Build Thread
Star Wars Battlefront Impressions
In a previous podcast Darren mentioned how he signed up to participate in the Battlefront Beta. Now that the game has been released it is interesting to hear about what they got right and what needs some work.
For instance did you know that in the game the Rebels are given a chance to hold Hoth? We all know that Hoth was a losing battle for the Rebels and sets the stage for Luke to meet the ever iconic Yoda. That whole plot advancement would have never happened in the movie had the Empire lost the battle. Well, in Battlefront you are given a chance to try and keep Hoth. Funny thing is, either out of sure will or the joy of losing players attempt to hold the base in an attempt to change history (or the future depending on how you look at it)
Related Links
Battle of Hoth
Star Wars Battlefront
Episode 59 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (