Frankenstein Builds CyberPowerPC Zeus Mini and LanETS Overclocking

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren Mccain
Time: 32:25
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Originally recorded March 2014
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren Mccain
Time: 32:25
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Originally recorded March 2014
Frankenstein Computer Builds
Computer building is a delicate balance between Cost, Components, and Performance. Cost is usually a driving factor that dictates the component choices and indirectly will impact Performance. As hardware enthusiasts we may jumble the priorities around and will eventually have a computer that fits your criteria but may not always follow the implied rules. In this segment Darren talks about his budget build and how building it was an exercise between recycling old parts and making them work with newer components. Dennis later goes on to talk about another example of a Frankenstein build where a twitch gamer was building her new gaming rig and does so with a bunch of mismatched components. The components are all extremely good but seem a little out of place when it comes to cost and form factor.
Related Links:
Ninjalane Podcast – Budget Builds using AMD
Melonie Mac Building my PC
Cyberpower Zeus Mini
Dennis recently reviewed the new Cyberpower Zeus Mini and really liked the entire system. The form factor is perfect for the modern gamer and the hardware options for these SFF builds provided a good balance between gaming powerhouse and useable powerhouse..
Related Links:
CyberPowerPC Zeus Mini System Review @ Hardware Asylum
CyberPowerPC Zeus Mini Microsite
LanETS Overclocking Livestream
LAN Parties have started to lose their allure with gamers given the advent of faster internet options and online matchmaking. Despite this large LAN events still occur around the world with some events hosting over 1000 gamers at a time. One of the largest LAN events in Canada was held in Montreal over the weekend of Feb 28th called Lan ETS.
Overclocking-TV was at the event hosting an overclocking demonstration in the Corsair booth. Roman “der8auer” Hartung was the professional overclocker showing off his skills while Trouffman from Overclocking-TV handled some of the technical issues and was also in charge of the Livestream. The stream was broadcast to the Overclocking-TV Twitch channel and got a very impressive response from the twitch public.
Dennis had an opportunity to participate at the LAN Party but, not as a gamer or even in person. Instead his voice can be heard voicing commentary on the Overclocking-TV livestream helping to keep the Twitch viewers engaged while explaining what was happening on the stream.
Related Links:
LanETS Homepage
Overclocking-TV Twitch Channel
Overclocking-TV Youtube Channel
Overclocking Week-End at LANETS with der8auer
Episode 39 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (
Speo-Nova (