OC Sandbagging and PS4 First Impressions

Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren Mccain
Time: 32:24
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Originally recorded January 2014
Hosts: Dennis Garcia and Darren Mccain
Time: 32:24
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Originally recorded January 2014
Sandbag Scores in Overclocking
Competitions that test skill are very popular in the modern world. Poker, Football, Basketball, Golf, Pool. These are all games of skill and each game has definitive strategies for winning along with loopholes in the rules that either side can take advantage of. In the past 10 years we have seen the rise to the eSports style cyberathlete which is a fancy term for professional gamer. These gamers use speed, agility and knowledge of the game to best their opponent and win the game.
As you can imagine there are winners and losers in this style of competition and plenty of controversy surrounding why a certain person won and often one or two key points in a match that either won the game someone or lost it for another. The one thing all of these competitions have in common is that they are played out in real time. They all have a definitive start and end which allows the player to gauge his opponent and determine if their strategy is going to pay off.
So, how does this apply to online overclocking? In the first segment Dennis and Darren talk about the most recent HWBOT Country Cup and some of the backlash that ensued including an article published on HWBOT that talked about “Sandbagging”
Related Links
An opinion on sandbagging - "Sandbagging is not a crime, embrace the strategy!"
What is the Origin of the Term "Sandbagger"?
What is a Sandbag (look for Thud)
PlayStation 4 First Impressions
Darren recently acquired a brand new PS4 and while the duo has avoided discussing next-gen consoles in the past they felt it was time to break with tradition. As some of you know the PS4 and Xbox One both share similar hardware configurations but offer up a different experience to the gamer depending on what console you choose. The same can be said if you contrast the previous generation with the current.
Given that Darren has owned very version of the PlayStation we felt it was time to unleash the beast and get an expert option and answer the burning question. Is the PS4 worth buying?
Related Links
A nice compare article @ kotaku
Things it can’t do?
Some stuff it can do
A List of PS4 Games
Upgrades for PS3 to PS4
PS3 controller vs PS4 controller
Episode 38 featured music:
Little People - Start Shootin' (http://www.littlepeoplemusic.com/)
Dezolent - Higher (https://soundcloud.com/airwavemusictv/dezolent-higher)